And those lips...just wanna kiss her; and yes, I'd love to tit-fuck her for sure, thank you very much. :D
Monday, 21 October 2013
I definitely love the boobs on this one:
social network,
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Weekend entry
You know, there's something about this Charis Goh girl that's got me intrigued. Not sure how she ended up being connected to me on Facebook, but I gather she's some kind of lingerie model...and a young single mother.
Definitely a beautiful young MILF that I'd love to indulge and pamper. Maybe I should try hooking up with her and see what goes.
Separate note, the company organised a cocktail party last night. I brought La Femme to the party, therefore officially introducing my live-in partner to the rest of the guys at the office; in a pretty unusual move, my Chief Executive, who's known to be quite a bit of a playboy himself, pulled me one side while we were having smokes on the open-air balcony, offered me a cigar, then pumped me on the shoulder like we're old chumps and said, "Good spotting there, my friend."
We talked for a while, and CEO caught me off-guard when he said "So, you still going out with Liz then?"
Bloody hell, nothing ever escapes the top man?
But in truth, Liz and I are still very much going out together -- and that means having an affair and sleeping with each other, in simple English -- and while she wasn't at the party last night because she had to take care of her kids, just this morning, I met her for breakfast, and a little extra-curricular at her place after I'd dropped her off.
And as for Sunshine Girl, well...let's say we're getting somewhere with all the closeness of working long nights. She'd toasted La Femme at the party last night like some nice hostess, but one brief moment when we'd found ourselves together -- La Femme excusing herself to the ladies, and Sunshine Girl's boy going off to get some drinks from the counter-- she'd had one hand on my arm, and I found one hand soothing the small of her back, and moving down towards her tight ass...and kissed her on the side of her neck before someone walked past, and we parted ourselves from each other. One night last week, we'd been working late, and we found ourselves frenching and hands exploring before she decided the office "wasn't safe" given there were others working late as well.
So things at work are still interesting.
Ah Charis, Charis...where to find you? And I'd love to run my hands over that sexy body of yours. :D
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
And I met one exactly like that at the gym today. No kidding.
It was lovely-- pull her tights off, and there was a perfectly shaven pussy, glistening and moist, and so nice and ready for a taste and a fuck...
Monday, 14 October 2013
The new girl at the office.
1. Slinky figure-hugging dress with high-heels; so much so I can see the outline of her G-string when she walks in front of me.
2. Sultry come-fuck-me look with pouty lips just begging to be kissed.
3. Delicious scent of Lolita Lempicka perfume.
4. Did a couple of lip-licks while she was seated opposite me at the meeting today.
5. Nice swell of perky tits against the sheer fabric of said figure-hugging dress.
Enough reasons to warrant me taking her out to dinner tonight. *grins*
Friday, 11 October 2013
The Promotion, part 2.
So just as a quick update, Sunshine Girl is now officially my deputy head of division, and the opportunity came up for me to have Engineer Dude transferred out to helm his own little department somewhere else in the building-- in the end, no mutiny, and everyone's happy.
Of course, Liz wasn't too thrilled to learn Aussie blond Sunshine Girl has taken over her place, but nothing much she could do since I made the decision. My new deputy's ecstatic as she's thrilled, and tonight we (as in the whole department) is going to have a congratulatory dinner for her.
And I'm not sure if she's still just getting over the excitement of the promotion, but she wants to make a dinner date with me one-to-one to thank me for the bump up the ladder.
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I love blondes. Really. :D |
Liz and I are still having sex regularly in our own little time; we had a "celebratory fuck", as she called it, in her new office, and after that, she mentioned she'd still prefer my office if we wanted to have fun at work. Else, we take our little romps elsewhere: while we were in the same division, it was easy to avoid any suspicion, but she was of the opinion the people at work would smell something fishy if we were seen going over to each other's offices -- especially since we were now overseeing different portfolios.
My guess is more to do with her wanting to consolidate her position, so the last thing she'd want is to have a scandal screw up her chances of further progression.
La Femme's coming home this Sunday, and I'm wondering what I could get her as a surprise. I know she very much wants a new iPad Mini, but it's not exactly the most romantic gesture to get her a tech gear.
For some reason, I feel like surprising her in a romantic way this weekend. Ideas, anyone?
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
The promotion.
One of the senior managers in the marketing arm was given a 24-hour notice and asked to leave the workplace due to a very serious breach in company protocols that "compromised his integrity", according to the email that was circulated to the management team.
While I don't usually dig about scandals like this, my guess is, in plain vanilla English, the guy probably committed some form of fraud, and the company chose to let him go instead of escalating the thing into a police case.
In any case, someone had to be moved up to take over, and the powers that may be in C-suite decided who else but Liz, given her "wealth of experience and proven track record within the Company."
I'm not overly concerned, because I really don't need a deputy anyway, and in terms of hierarchy, she's still technically subordinate to me. It only means our office liaisons would now entail either of us walking across from one end of the building to the other, since her new department would be located in another corner opposite from mine.
And not that I doubt Liz's capabilities too: she's a driven and ambitious woman who's street-smart and knows how to work her way up; only in this case, I kinda suspect she probably had her way by sleeping with one of the C's, to be very honest.
It's an open secret that the Chief Marketing Officer has a thing for Liz, and she had indulged in his little attempts at getting to her by having lunch with him on a number of occasions-- and they're often extended lunch breaks, from my observations.
I suppose in the end, it's all about power and he who had the larger rubber stamp wins; I'm 2 steps away from being a C myself, but until that time comes, I suppose I don't yet wield the kind of authority and power that some women would find sexy enough to want to sleep with to get to the top.
In any case, I wouldn't be surprised too if the promotion would mark the end of Liz's affair with me. Not that it would be any great loss to me, except I probably now have to find a new toy to have fun with at the office in those long night hours.
...which brings to the point that while I don't feel the need to have a deputy (Liz has had a good time sitting pretty since I took over, really), it's still a vacant post, and I need to find someone to take over.
I now have 2 potential candidates: one, a young brilliant chap (male) with first-class honors in aviation engineering who would make a damn good deputy because I could probably push the job to him and spend my time socializing with the other senior executives and build even stronger networks and extending my base; problem is, Engineer dude probably wants my job too, and one of the unwritten laws of power is never to have a deputy who would someone appear to be more brilliant than you are.
The second is a no-brainer: a pretty twenty-something Australian girl we dubbed "Sunshine Girl" because she was always smiling and chirpy (her tits are chirpy too) who would be the target of Liz's outbursts simply because she was her assistant, and more to do with the fact that Liz probably felt Sunshine Girl was a threat being younger and more attractive than she was.
The problem with Sunshine Girl is that she isn't ready, in my opinion, to take on strategic management responsibilities, and she can be quite ditzy at times when it comes to the really big and important assignments.
Which makes the need for her to stay back longer at work with her Vice-President perfectly justifiable, given I probably have to work with her on a lot of things, not to mention work "on" her.
I was deliberating over this with a friend while having drinks last night, and his opinion: screw Engineer Dude, and take Sunshine Girl as the deputy. That way, I'd have twice the fun at work (assuming Liz and I haven't broke it off yet) without worrying about a power-hungry and ambitious deputy trying to out-do me and present himself as my replacement.
To be honest, I'm inclined to think that way too, but at the same time, from a practical perspective, I don't want to spend too much time having to pick up the bits where Sunshine Girl would screw up, and she would, believe me.
Some of you would probably find my post disturbing, but that's the reality that happens in the workplace. There was a controversial study in 2012 that suggested that women who flirt at work are more likely to succeed, although the flipside to it would be this would make them appear more untrustworthy than women who don't; controversial, because it's definitely sexist, yet I tend to think there are major degrees of truth to it-- Liz is a very clear example.
As for Engineer Dude, well, being the brilliant chap he is, I don't think he would have any problems finding his own place any time soon.
Monday, 7 October 2013
Saturday, 5 October 2013
On alpha-males, and such.
The team was out having drinks after work on a Friday, and while Liz had thought the guys would probably find the whole thing a chore because their boss had instructed for it to happen, in the end, the evening turned out pretty well, and I think the males managed to bond pretty good-- not sure about the women though, because they probably find Liz's presence a little overwhelming.
The thing about men is that after a while, once everyone understood the pecking order at work, all things fall into place, and I suppose it's all about showing you're the alpha male in the pack and why you deserve to be the leader.
With women, a whole set of other factors come into play, and I kinda thing between me and Liz, she probably has a harder time winning the support of the ladies in the office than I would with both the males and the females.
So anyway, by the time the initial round of drinks were done, people started opening up, and before long, the guys were sharing about almost everything under the sun. I guess it helps too, that for Singaporean males, there was always the convenient topic of national service that brings an immediate common bond in conversations.
I tried not to pay too much attention to Liz as we'd agreed never to act intimately in front of the other colleagues even though the two of us had a thing for making out in the office after work hours; still, there were little moments when we would find ourselves wandering off to some corner under the pretext of smoke breaks where we'd hold hands, hug and kiss...only to separate when we noticed someone coming up to join us.
One instance, one of our male subordinates came up and joined the smoking session, and I noticed the way he'd been looking at Liz on a number of occasions and guessed he was attracted to her. As soon as he came up, she excused herself and went over to chat with the other guys (totally ignoring the ladies), and the dude was still watching her as he lit up his cigarette.
"She's quite a woman, don't you think", I asked as I took a drag.
The guy nodded, then after some casual chat about other irrelevant things, he shared that he'd tried to ask Liz out on a number of occasions, only to be turned down.
"It's probably to do with the fact that I'm younger, and more junior", he lamented.
I guess deep inside every self-confessional alpha male is an elitist prick who takes a Machiavellian delight knowing he's outdone every other male in the room in one thing or another.
In the case of my subordinate sharing about his attraction to my deputy/his boss/my lover, and sensing the frustration of his thoughts of probably wanting to fuck her but couldn't, the inner devil was just screaming to say "That's why I'm your boss and fucking the woman you desire...and try harder."
Of course, it isn't about fucking women-- a bona fide alpha male goes only for the best in life, and is it any wonder then that the guys in power suits would almost certainly go for established car marques, dining at the nicest places in town, or going for luxury comfort on vacations? I've yet to meet an alpha who goes by without advertising his position and dominance, and I suppose everything factored in, it's no wonder then that we exude the kind of self-confidence and arrogant charm that many women are attracted to.
It doesn't help too, that La Femme is herself one of those power-suited women, the equal of the alpha in me; I guess that's why I may come across as having what one of my female subordinates called an "overbearing dominance presence".
My own observations are that women are generally attracted to men in power positions at work. Sure, there's always a chance for the meek and the sensitive new-age guys, but more often than not, throw the aggressive alpha into the picture, and SNAG's girlfriend ends up getting seduced by bad-ass alpha.
And the thing is: you don't get to be a true-blue alpha male until you get somewhere at near or at the top of the chain of command.
I started my career in the military, and in my opinion, that's where you learn about the natural pecking order of things and power politicking early on; as a young officer, I had to learn how to stroke the egos of colonels and generals, while establishing my own base with the specialists and other ranks. When I left the military, I was holding the rank of a major -- the prized middle-rank where you have a considerable amount of power and authority, yet far away from the firing squad when it comes to accountability, and we always joked that majors have more fun than any other rank in the army.
Anyway, I suppose the military experience forms the basis of my somewhat cocky attitude; but I think I balance that pretty well with ensuring I know what I'm doing at work, so much so I can safely say I do a pretty darn good job better than my subordinates would, and one way I established this very quickly was giving practical suggestions to solve problems. My guys now perceive their leader is able to come up with ideas to help them do their jobs better, and that's how I managed to build rapport at work in a short amount of time.
After yesterday, I guess the men would also realize that once out of the workplace, their leader was someone who'd throw all the problems at work aside, and go for the finer things of the moment; and since we were in a pub, the finer things would refer obviously to attractive women in the room.
I sense some of them would have probably guessed there was something going on between me and Liz, and it sort of puts a half-smile on my face knowing it's not just that one guy who came up to me and openly confessed his attraction to Liz, but probably most of the guys at work fantasize about having sex with her-- I already mentioned her penchant for going about braless under her work-blouses sometimes, and it's hard for guys not to notice these things and wish they could see more of her hot sexy body, taste and have her.
...And that's where I'd say "try harder, boys."
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The snob in me says you're just a wannabe trying too hard... |
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Sonnet XVII
I got this via email, and I didn't recognise the sender at first:
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,in secret, between the shadow and the soul.I love you as the plant that never bloomsbut carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;so I love you because I know no other way than this:where I does not exist, nor you,so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
- Pablo Neruda, Sonnet XVII
But as I thought a little more, it was clear to me who'd send it; who else but her, the one with both beauty and brains, so many miles away from me at the moment, and who was cheeky and naughty enough to think of creating a new email account just to tease me thus?
The fact that she chose Pablo Neruda was a dead giveaway: she'd used a number of contemporary romantic poetry, particularly Neruda's, while she was doing her Masters degree in English Literature. It was as though she was leaving a virtual calling card via email reminding me that while we may be separated by distance, she had her way of keeping close to me.
Erotic smut doesn't quite work...
There is a distinct difference, in my opinion, between artistic erotica and plain pornographic smut.
To me, this is artistic expression:
That's where you use the lens in a study of lighting and contrast, and notice in this particular case how the sharp contrast of the nude figure seems to bring out an almost 3-D effect, as though she's floating right in front of your screen.
This, on the other hand, is just plain vulgar smut:
And granted, it's a well-taken picture, but it belongs in the realm of porn that dirty old men bring into toilet stalls to wank to.
I feel sorry for that young model in the latter photo: whatever the photographer said to convince her to pose thus, honey, that picture does little to elevate your portfolio but relegates you to the level of cheap sluts for hire, sorry.
Increasingly, it appears as though there are a number of amateur photographers who are little more than lusty men in sheep's clothing who call up young female models for "artistic nude photography" sessions, and more often than not, they end up taking photos that really have little artistic expression value, and the photos turn out to be nothing more than additions to the said dirty old men's toilet-stall masturbation tools.
There's this girl I know who said she left halfway through a photography session when she was asked to insert weird objects into her pussy; she already had her doubts when the "photographer" wanted to do close-ups of her spreading her legs, and the final straw was when he unzipped his pants and asked if she would be ok if he let his dick hang loose while he shot away.
Seems to me like he's just using a prolonged photography shoot to time his little antics, with the eventual aim of fucking her out of convenience. Unfortunately, I don't think he's an Austin Powers, and even then, it's a totally passé trick to try to get women in bed. In fact, I don't even think it works.
But whatever rocks for these amateurs (both the photographers and models); I'm just thinking the girls should be a little more educated before they take on such assignments, and learn to differentiate between a bona fide pro and a sleazy amateur just out for easy sex.
Called La Femme last night and asked her what she thought of a Mercedes E250. She thinks it's an attractive car, but she also thinks the current Italian stallion I'm driving is sexy enough.
And hearing her voice on the phone, I can't help but miss having her right next to me.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
A new car?
Thinking of switching cars again, and I'm quite tempted to get the 2014 Mercedes Benz E250 coupe.
I'm wondering if it's a sexy enough car to impress the ladies...although I probably won't go for red if I do decide on the change.
I actually went down to the showroom today to check out the E250 coupe (the 2013 version) and went for a test-drive with my MILF-y deputy Liz. She seemed impressed somewhat, and even though she's still of the opinion only middle-aged towkay uncles drove Mercedes, the E250 coupe seemed to sit well with her.
My other option would be an Audi A5 Cabrio, but honestly I'm not a big fan of soft-top convertibles.
I would have loved to try making out with Liz as part of the test-drive, but I doubt they'd allow it. I noticed the car salesman stealing looks at Liz, and I wonder if he'd spotted that she was bra-less as usual under her jacket and blouse, but in any case, it was just as well given he pretty much kept quiet throughout, so I could concentrate on the drive.
We got back to the office, and not before we made love in the backseat of my current car...and she decidedly left her panties behind. :)
Today's little romp had been a really close one, because just as we were dressing up (Liz sans her panties), one of the building's security guards happened to walk past the car, and lucky for us he didn't look in, because Liz was just done zipping her skirt back up with her breasts exposed with her blouse unbuttoned, and I was still struggling to do up my pants in the backseat; she quickly crouched back under the seat, and then we both laughed at just how comical we must have looked in that moment of panic.
And the guy was either deaf, or he was oblivious to his surroundings because I'd left the engine running.
We were both still laughing when we finally got out of the car and made our way to the usual smoking spot at the multi-storey carpark. She wasn't laughing any more when I reached one hand under her skirt and stroked at her bare-naked shaven pussy and fingered her.
I could really get used to this arrangement with my deputy/lover... but only when it comes to no-strings attached sex; I've already mentioned she's quite the bitch at work, and she seemed to have taken a delight at tormenting this cute new intern we just hired. Jealous perhaps, that her boss would take a fancy to the sweet young thing? ;)
I don't usually troll posts on other sites, but I must say this photo of sexy local model Olivia Ang on Singapore Hall of Shame caught my attention:
Now why can't I have an intern who looks just like that: that's a lovely pussy I would savour slowly all day...and I bet it would taste oh so good; even better if she comes in my mouth as I lick and suck at that beautiful yummy cunt.
How to hook up with Olivia, I wonder... *grins*
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
On web chats, and honesty.
Right people, it's time for some brutal honesty: it doesn't matter if you're male or a female, and regardless of your relationship status -- married, divorced, separated, single, "it's complicated", "we're having sex and dating but we don't know" etc, admit it: if you're hooked up on social dating sites, web chats and such, even if you're saying "I'm here to know people", what you're really saying is "I'm looking for someone I wanna fuck."
Sure, some of you would start getting defensive, I understand. But when a really interesting subject comes on board, pretty sure the reactions would be very, very different from what you'd be telling people.
And I find it's the women who lie the most about such things.
Take this 36 year old lady I was chatting with on WeChat the other day. She's married with 2 kids, and in her introductory message, she started off saying she's "happily married" and she's here to "just make friends."
Her next message read: So if you're one of those weirdos seeking out sex online, sorry.
I assured her I wasn't. That was partly true, I mean, come on, chances are you and I would only seek out the attractive looking people (in our own perspectives) or accept chat requests from people we find reasonably good-looking. If you're a guy, you'd most likely go for a pretty face that comes with a hot bod with nice boobs and ass-- no other way about it. So you can't blame me for initiating a conversation with someone who, based on the photos of her in a bikini and assuming it is her in the pictures, comes across as friendly pretty.
The other part that was true was that I'm not a big obsessive fan of online chats, and I only log on when there's really nothing else nice to watch on the 200+ channels I subscribed to via Starhub. And that's how I ended up chatting with "Cherry".
So the rest of the conversation went on pretty clean and polite, with us sharing about what we did at work, and I shared about some experiences I had on my previous job.
She asked about my relationship status, I went on to answer her as honestly as I could about my relationship with La Femme, and she got puzzled.
She probed, I answered.
Then came the part she went: so you base your relationships mostly on sex yeah?
She got me stumped for a moment, and I suppose I was just trying to get her questions over and done with, and I just typed "I suppose so."
Cherry: I suppose you have a lot of flings?
Me: Honestly, yes.
Cherry: Hmm... so your partner knows?
Me: Well she knows, and she doesn't, if you know what I mean.
Cherry: So do you meet a lot of women for sex from WeChat?
Me: Not a lot; but one or two previously. (and that was the truth)
Cherry: What kind of women do you like then?
I was about to write "sexy gorgeous naughty mommies like you" but I didn't. Instead I said "No preferences, really, just go with the flow."
And that was when she became direct.
Cherry: So would you find me interesting then?
Me: I do.
Cherry: Why?
Me: Because you're very attractive and it's hard not to notice that.
Cherry: Flatterer...but I like that answer.
Me: Depends on where flattery and sweet talk would get me.
I started to wonder whatever happened to "I'm here just to make friends".
Cherry: So what do I make you feel like doing to me then?
Me: Everything and anything naughty. LOL
And that was pretty much a point of no-return, because next thing she asked was if I had a Skype and a webcam, and 5 minutes later, I was watching her in her study room, engaging in a raunchy chat, and though she didn't take off all her clothes, she was rubbing herself as we talked naughty and dirty.
I suppose for some women, that sort of thing is a whole lot safer than actually having an affair in person with a random stranger.
But here's the conclusion: Cherry now wants to meet up in real time, and "see how things go" from there.
Cherry: Hmm... so your partner knows?
Me: Well she knows, and she doesn't, if you know what I mean.
Cherry: So do you meet a lot of women for sex from WeChat?
Me: Not a lot; but one or two previously. (and that was the truth)
Cherry: What kind of women do you like then?
I was about to write "sexy gorgeous naughty mommies like you" but I didn't. Instead I said "No preferences, really, just go with the flow."
And that was when she became direct.
Cherry: So would you find me interesting then?
Me: I do.
Cherry: Why?
Me: Because you're very attractive and it's hard not to notice that.
Cherry: Flatterer...but I like that answer.
Me: Depends on where flattery and sweet talk would get me.
I started to wonder whatever happened to "I'm here just to make friends".
Cherry: So what do I make you feel like doing to me then?
Me: Everything and anything naughty. LOL
And that was pretty much a point of no-return, because next thing she asked was if I had a Skype and a webcam, and 5 minutes later, I was watching her in her study room, engaging in a raunchy chat, and though she didn't take off all her clothes, she was rubbing herself as we talked naughty and dirty.
I suppose for some women, that sort of thing is a whole lot safer than actually having an affair in person with a random stranger.
But here's the conclusion: Cherry now wants to meet up in real time, and "see how things go" from there.
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