It was Izzy's birthday today, and my present for her was a brand new Samsung Galaxy S4-- her iPhone had been faulty for a while, and she had been thinking of getting a new phone.
We were out at the yacht club where we had breakfast, and thereafter we boarded the yacht I'd chartered for the day. It wasn't like I'd intended it to be anything romantic or such; more of a means to have some privacy of our own for obvious reasons.
It'd been a cruise to the Southern Islands, and she'd spent most of the time dressed in the new bikini she bought. The crew guys were checking her out, and I don't blame them: Izzy's a beautiful young woman, and in a sense, the inner egomaniac in me was smirking in the knowledge that while the other guys on board found her attractive, I was the only one who'd get to fuck her.
And we did have sex quite a lot today. I suppose the presence of a crew meant we had to keep things down to plain vanilla sex with not much of the usual little kinky games, but it was still good, really.
It was after lunch, and after I'd presented the phone when she'd come and leaned up against me, her head resting on my shoulders as I kissed her softly on her neck when I heard her, in between her soft sighs, saying she'd decided to break up with the banker boyfriend.
She'd found him too "young" for her liking: he was the same age as she was, but of late, she'd realised she preferred older guys-- guys my age.
I didn't know if that was her way of telling me she was wishing there was something more between us, but this being her birthday, I didn't want to spoil her day and instead let her make-believe that this afternoon's time spent on the yacht was what could have been if we were indeed taking things seriously.
In any case, to me, it was one thing to have a no-strings attached FWB thing going on with a much younger woman like Izzy; serious relationships, on the other hand, would be something else altogether, and I do wonder if I would be able to keep up with the stuff the Millenial generation are in to.
Anyway, it was a relatively nice afternoon out. I was supposed to meet Bru for dinner, but got a little tired and postponed the date.
I'd probably take the day off tomorrow.
Yikes. You have wrecked her for dudes her own age. This could be trouble because now it seems like she isn't going to be satisfied just being your fuck buddy. She has fallen for you.