Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Another scandal, another day, another month.

Seems like girls these days get themselves into all sorts of trouble, don't you think? And  there are now leaked nude pictures of FHM 2013 winner Jamie Ang circulating about the internet, and allegations she had been a former social escort etc; apparently ghosts of your past do haunt you, especially after you've found fame.

Well if you asked me, yes, Jamie looks oh-so-fuckable with her "I'm your slut" looks-- but taken from another perspective, I'm thinking so what if she'd been a nude model, and so what even if she'd been a freelancing social escort (if that was true): let's not make a bloody big deal out of this, because elsewhere in the world, we have former porn actresses and high-end social escorts taking part in, and winning, beauty pageants all the time.
And if you believed winning a beauty pageant means you suddenly have a moral or civic responsibility to go out there and start kissing babies or make the world a better place, you're either horribly thick in the head, or terribly naïve.
Then there's sexy young mama Charis Goh who found herself thrust into the limelight because she'd posted sexually suggestive pictures of herself, so much so even the local Chinese tabloid Wanbao picked it up, and made a hoo-ha over the whole issue. Her argument being she's divorced from her good-for-nothing husband, and she therefore has to become a lingerie model to feed her two children.

Well like I said, how people decide to go about bringing home the bacon is really their business, really. I'm only interested because me being me, I'm thinking both Jamie and Charis look oh-so-yummy, and if either's reading this, well, you're free to buzz me for comfort. :P
Separate note, it's been 72 days since I joined the new workplace, and 12 days (thereabouts) since Liz and I started getting naughty in the office.
I really don't quite get how young kids these days measure anniversaries in months and days, but I suppose it all means relationships have become even more transient than they ever have been.
Anyone who's been working long enough would know that by the 3rd week of work, you'd know if the job fits, and what your prospects would be: seeing I've crossed that 3-week bump, I think I'm gonna be alright where I am. I am in my element (take away the women at the office, I'm talking serious work here), and certainly I'm in a company that's a little too big to fail, or even if it did (touchwood), based on my current portfolio, it wouldn't be tough to find another job that's commensurate in terms of position and salary, so I'm not overly worried there.
And when you talk about my relationship with Liz, well, I only needed 3 days to know what it was going to be, and how it would end up. She's cool with the arrangement, so no issues there: we're both adults, and we know how things will be.
Incidentally, I found out she's dating a marketing director of one of our consortium partners, she's admitted things are more on the serious side in that other relationship.
I'm fine with that, obviously, and in fact, I have to admit I'm kinda relieved: I don't think I want to ever get into a situation where a divorcee starts thinking if I am father material for her kids ever again. Not that I am adverse to having children, I'm just not keen on trying to build a relationship with another guy's kids all over again: too tedious, and I have other priorities.
So with Liz, I'm her "sexually charged-up superior" as she puts it. In other words, with her, I'm her boss first, then comes all the side-play of sex and such, but at the end of the day, it's not going to be the "I promise you a happy ever-after" sort of relationship.
I'm glad she made it clear. And it's funny I should be tying all this, and thinking about Jamie and Charis, while toying with the G-string Liz left on my desk last night...
How I love women.

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